
Summer Resolutions

Every Summer I make a Bucket List.

Most of the time, only half of it is completed.

For example, every summer I vow to learn guitar. And every summer I pick up a guitar periodically, learn a few new chords, MAYBE attempted a few agility excersises, and then put it down again... for several months. This usually has to do with the fact that I hate cutting my finger nails, and I never have the patience to make calluses form on my fingers (thus the chords I CAN play sound more like a cat caught in a meat grinder....). And I never learn how to play well, like I would like to.

Another resolution on my bucket list that never is accomplished is excersising. Because once the summer roles around, I might like being outdoors, but I don't like doing physical activity outdoors, due to the extremely hot temperatures. So another item on my bucket list is left unchecked.

Every summer I say that I am going to take lessons, whether they be musical (voice, flute, piano, guitar, harmonica, etc.), or something completely different (Karate, kick boxing, motorcycle safety (HA! I wish!), salsa dancing, etc). And these lessons never take place, for a few reasons...
a) I am, and live with, the ultimate percrastinators, and
b) Oh, yeah. I'm broke. No money. Isn't that funny? How am I going to pay for (rather expensive, I might add) lessons, when all I have is a nickel to my name? Maybe with my beautific smile? Doubt it. And,
c) I am usually too busy (getting a job, due to my lack of funding, perhaps?) to make time for a weekly lesson. Or three.

Do you see how easy it is for a summer to slip by? And already it's the end of July (that's right; JULY!!!), and August is quickly approaching. And what do I have to show for this summer?

Well, a few extra pounds, if I'm being honest.

Why is it so easy to waste a summer? Can you tell me that? WHY?

This is my dilemma, and my teen angst. Here is a video that I laughed at.

The National American University obviously doesn't offer all that great of a music program.

The Observation of the Day:
Why is it that a girl feels so much more bad ass when she's wearing motorcycle boots? I mean, even if her mother wouldn't allow her to so much as LOOK at a motorcycle, let alone ride one, or--God forbid--OWN one, the attire worn by motorcyclists is extremely... well, cool.

Thanks for reading. Assuming anyone is.

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